Double Support: Aid for a Shelter and APAC to Continue Their Work

30 January, 2025

As previously announced, it is now official. Fundación Nacional Vida Segura has formalized its support for the Asociación Pro Arte y Cultura (APAC) through a signed agreement between José Luis Camacho Miserendino, Chairman of the Board of Grupo Nacional Vida, and Percy Añez Castedo, President of APAC’s Board of Directors.

The foundation will cover part of the labor costs for the renovation of dormitories and bathrooms at the Fundación José Mercado Aguado children’s shelter, where APAC’s offices are housed under a loan-for-use agreement. This initiative ensures that the association can continue operating at the site, organizing the Misiones de Chiquitos International Music Festival and the Santa Cruz de la Sierra International Theater Festival, among other cultural activities.

Camacho expressed his satisfaction with this support, which, on one hand, improves the quality of life for 25 children and adolescents, and on the other, strengthens an institution dedicated to preserving cultural heritage—especially the missionary music of eastern Bolivia. He also committed to visiting the facilities once the renovations are complete.

Añez emphasized the main objective of the agreement: to provide the shelter’s residents with a safe and comfortable living space, including hygienic bathrooms and showers with hot water. Also present at the signing was Julio César Caballero, Executive Director of Nacional Vida Segura Foundation, who underscored the importance of continuing to promote initiatives that benefit the community.