Agreement with Tahuichi will seek to provide comprehensive training to children.

21 October, 2024
The Fundación Nacional Vida Segura will enable strategic partnerships with international organizations to benefit football players.
Nacional Seguros Vida y Salud S.A. and Tahuichi Aguilera Football Academy have signed an inter-institutional agreement aimed at providing comprehensive development for football players from low-income backgrounds. Along with Nacional Seguros Patrimoniales y Fianzas S.A., the company will contribute a sum of money and, additionally, issue accident insurance policies.
Prior to signing the document, José Luis Camacho Miserendino, president of the board of Nacional Seguros Vida y Salud S. A., expressed his admiration for the work of Tahuichi, with which they have had a relationship for over a decade. “We have always felt identified with the academy, and that is why we want to continue supporting it. Our Nacional Vida Segura Foundation will allow us to form strategic alliances with international organizations and, hopefully, with major clubs abroad to provide our children with greater support.”

On his part, Roly Aguilera, chair of the Tahuichi board, praised the synergy between both entities. “We have been working together to provide boys and girls with a sense of well-being, knowing that they have not only a company but also a family dedicated to caring for them. Today, we sign a partnership for life; on a day when we promote a sense of unity and teamwork to achieve even greater goals.”
Nadia Eid, Communication and Client Manager of Nacional Vida Seguros, reaffirmed that the new agreement will help continue working for our society and for the goal of contributing to the quality of life and well-being of Bolivian families based on its four pillars: education, health, sports, and culture. And within sports, Tahuichi is a priority.